Tuition and Fees
Tuition Details
Item | Amount |
Annual Full-Time Tuition (39 credits per year) | $16,650 |
Annual Student Service Fee | $2,400 |
Annual Total | $19,050 |
Tuition & Fees Breakdown |
Other Potential Fees and Charges
Item | Amount |
Adding or Dropping a Course (after the drop/add period) | $300 |
Annual Parking Pass | $150 |
Commuter Meal Plan (optional per semester, including sales tax) | $700 |
Course Challenge Fee | $150 |
Deaf Mentoring Fee (for selected sign language courses) | $450 |
Graduation Fee | $150 |
International Student Fee (main campus only) | $750 |
Lab Fee (per course, as required) | $450 |
Prior Learning Portfolio Assessment Fee (per credit hour) | $150 |
Student Teaching Fee (EE422, MS422, PE422, EN422, EC212) Additional fees apply for teaching sites not within 20 miles of campus |
$450 |
Summer Housing (meals not provided during summer) | $2,000 |
Transcripts (per transcript) | $8 |
Tuition Details
Item | Amount |
Annual Full-Time Tuition (24 credits per year) | $9,480 |
Annual Registration Fees (except for MA Ministry) | $750 |
Annual Total | $10,230 |
Tuition & Fees Breakdown |
Other Potential Fees and Charges
Item | Amount |
Adding or Dropping a Course (after the drop/add period) | $300 |
Annual Parking Pass | $150 |
Course Challenge Fee | $150 |
International Student Fee (Piedmont Divinity School programs excluded) | $750 |
MA/MABS Written Comprehensives (as required) | $250 |
Prior Learning Portfolio Assessment Fee (per credit hour) | $150 |
Room for Module (per week, as available) | $150 |
Transcripts (per transcript) | $8 |
Tuition Details
Item | Amount |
Annual Full-Time Tuition (18 credits per year) | $10,260 |
Annual Registration Fees | $750 |
Annual Residency Fee | $795 |
Annual Total | $15,225 |
Tuition & Fees Breakdown |
Other Potential Fees and Charges
Item | Amount |
Adding or Dropping a Course (after the drop/add period) | $300 |
Annual Parking Pass | $150 |
Course Challenge Fee | $150 |
DMin Project Oral Defense | $150 |
International Student Fee (Piedmont Divinity School programs excluded) | $750 |
PhD Dissertation Oral Defense | $175 |
PhD Language Proficiency Examination (per exam) | $60 |
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination | $175 |
PhD Written Comprehensive Examination | $240 |
Prior Learning Portfolio Assessment Fee (per credit hour) | $150 |
Room for Module (per week, as available) | $150 |
Transcripts (per transcript) | $8 |
Item | Amount |
Alumni Graduate | $75 |
Graduate | $125 |
Alumni Doctoral | $100 |
Doctoral | $175 |
Dual Enrollment
Item | Amount |
Registration Fee | $120 |
Individual Rate per course (up to 7) | $360 |