Student Life

Student Life

Code of Conduct

Trustees, Faculty, Staff, and Students are encouraged to love God, love their neighbors as themselves, and live virtuous lives.

Chapel Attendance

The chapel service is a central part of university life each week. Speakers are chosen who present a warm spiritual emphasis to encourage, uplift, and inform. Graduate students in residency programs are encouraged to attend chapel and special conferences. All undergraduate full-time residential students are required to attend chapel services on Friday each week. Attendance is taken.

Character and Conduct

Carolina University seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to serious study and to the development of strong character. The welfare of the group and the individual is best promoted by adequate accountability, appropriate rules and regulations are published in the Student Guide.  During course registration, students must sign a signature page stating that they agree to abide by the guidelines contained therein. Students should carefully read the Student Guide to Campus Life for Living and Learning.  

Students whose general conduct and influence are considered to be out of harmony with the standards of the Student Guide or out of harmony with standards of life and work believed to be essential to the academic, spiritual, and social welfare of the university may be expelled, suspended, or refused readmission. The university reserves the right to request withdrawal, even though there may be no specific breach of conduct calling for dismissal.

Student Complaint Policy

Carolina University is committed to a timely and fair resolution of all student complaints and provides a process for students to file formal complaints when they are dissatisfied with institutional policies, services, or employee actions. This process may apply to academic or nonacademic issues, but is typically applied in matters where formal policies and procedures are not in effect. In those areas, policies stated in the Student Guide or Academic Handbook take precedence.

General Principles

  • Whenever possible and in a timely fashion, students should voice complaints informally with the faculty, staff, or other student/s involved. A list of university administration, faculty, and staff can be found at
  • If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, students are encouraged to follow the formal complaint process.
  • There will be no adverse effect or retaliation against a student voicing a complaint in good faith, nor against any person who in good faith provides information regarding a complaint.

A formal written complaint may be submitted to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness by completing an online or PDF complaint form found at Submission of complaints should be made within 30 days of the incident. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the person/s submitting the formal complaint. Upon receipt of the complaint by the Office of IE, the complaint will be assigned to the appropriate office.

Insurance and Medical Services

The Student Services Office provides an initial contact for students with medical needs. Students are expected to see their personal doctors and/or to enter a hospital in the event of serious illness. Students are encouraged to maintain or to acquire health and/or hospitalization insurance to cover accidents or illnesses. The university provides accident coverage for students involved in school sponsored on-campus or off-campus activities.

Student Housing

All single students under 21 years of age are required to occupy campus housing facilities and to patronize the university dining room.  Students are required to be enrolled for a minimum of 12 academic hours to live in campus housing facilities. In special cases, permission to live off campus may be requested in the office of the Dean of Students.  Unless residing within 30 miles of campus with a parent, grandparent, spouse, or sibling, all full-time undergraduate students are expected to reside “on campus” for the first two years of study; unless permitted by the Dean.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Carolina University is a Division I member of the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA). Men’s and women’s sports are offered, with details available at

Sexual Harassment Policy

Carolina University does not tolerate the harassment of individuals with regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. 

No student or employee should be subjected to unsolicited or unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical. It is the university’s policy to strictly prohibit any conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and to discipline any student or employee, whether a student, manager, or co-worker who is guilty of such conduct. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, comments, innuendos, and other sexually oriented statements.

If a student or employee feels that he/she has been subjected to any type or degree of harassment, he/she is to report the incident verbally or in writing to the Title IX Coordinator within 48 hours of the incident. A written complaint should include the specific nature of the harassment and the date(s) and place(s) such harassment took place, as well as the student’s or employee’s name and telephone number. The Coordinator will report the case to the Dean of Students, who will conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint, and appropriate remedial action will be taken by the Administration. The confidentiality of the parties involved will be protected throughout the investigation, and only those individuals to whom the Dean deems to require knowledge of the alleged harassment will be informed of any details of the investigation or charge. 

Any student or employee found to have violated the harassment policy will be disciplined appropriately. Likewise, disciplinary measures will be applied in any instance determined to have been fabricated for malicious reasons.  With employee instances, the Human Resources Officer shall be involved.

Drug Abuse Policy and Penalties

Illegal Drug/Controlled Substance Information Sheet as required by the Drug Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) policies.

Students enrolled in Carolina University are subject to disciplinary action for the possession, manufacture, use, sale, or distribution (by either sale or gift) of any quantity of any prescription drug or controlled substance or for being under the influence of any prescription drug or controlled substance, except for the use of medication in accordance with the instructions of a licensed physician. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine derivatives, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, PCP, and substances typically known as “designer drugs” such as “ecstasy” or“ eve.” Possession of paraphernalia associated with the use, possession, or manufacture of a prescription drug or controlled substance is also prohibited.

The university prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs by students and employees. The penalty for violation of the university’s policy on drug and alcohol abuse may range from a reprimand to suspension without pay for an appropriate period or termination of employment. Additional local, state, and federal penalties may apply. In addition to sanctions imposed by Carolina University for violation of the Drug Policy, a student may be subject to regulations of civil authorities. Various local, state, and federal regulations prohibit the illegal use, possession, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. The university will refer students to law enforcement authorities for any behavior that is in violation of the law.