6 Credit Hours
A professional course that takes place in an approved CPE training hospital or medical center and brings a student into supervised ministry to people in crisis. The course involves lectures, discussion, counseling, research, assessment, reporting of visitation, reflection, and supervised ministry in a clinical setting. CPE is particularly important for persons who plan to enter chaplaincy posts of various kinds and also applicable to a variety of ministry settings. Upon completion of CHA672, a student will be able to apply introductory principles of ministry in a clinical setting under supervision and will be equipped to enter Unit Two of Clinical Pastoral Education. Students register for the credit hours at CU, and the University pays the CPE center the required tuition up to 75% of the total CU tuition. CPE credits may be applied toward the MA in Ministry, MABS, and MDiv programs. Graduates may earn ACPE Certification by completing Units Two, Three, and Four.