Clubs & Organizations

Student Clubs & Organizations

club is a group of students dedicated to particular interests and hobbies with a designated purpose. An organization is defined as a group of students directly tied to a department on campus and must be advised by a CU faculty or staff member. Recognition allows clubs and organizations to apply for funding, advertise their programs on campus, reserve rooms on campus, and participate in official school activities (e.g., orientation).

The Office of Student Services sponsors both clubs and organizations through a charter process. The following is how a student club or organization can start their process:

  • A club or organization requires at least five currently active CU students.
    • Two of these members must hold an executive position (President and Secretary)
  • A Carolina University employee advisor
    • This advisor cannot be a graduate student/assistant
  • One person in the club or organization must complete a Carolina University Club/Organization Charter Form

Once the Office of Student Services receives the form, a meeting will be held with the members and advisor to discuss the application. If accepted, Carolina University charters are granted for an entire academic year. Each club or organization must reapply yearly for a charter to remain active each academic year. The form must be turned in to the Office of Student Services within 30 days of the start of the semester.

The student(s) may only advertise or begin programming once approved by the Office of Student Services. The Office of Student Services must approve all flyers/promotions before they are released.  A club or organization posting flyers on campus or social media without proper approval risks canceling the marketed event immediately and suspending the organization.